“外语角”活动包括英语角和日语角,我院定于每周四晚7:30 —9:30于逸夫图书馆一层举办。经过团委学生会学术部的精心策划和准备,本学期第一次“外语角”活动与 10月22日 举办。本次外语角活动主题明确,内容丰富,形式多样,受到学生们的极大喜欢。
本次“外语角”以“how to introduce yourself”为主题,聘请受学生欢迎的外教Mr Harriso 以及他的儿子Josh和女儿Lydia参与进来,充分发掘了我校的外教资源。Mr Harriso一家来自英国北部,他们的英语口语地道、纯正,并具有很好的英语文化意识,而这些正是我校同学需要的。由于外教的参与,本次的英语角热闹非凡。日语角作为“外语角”活动第二个重要组成部分,也吸引了许多日语专业的学生参与进来。活动中,主办人员为来参与英语角的同学发放了一份“How to introduce yourself”的材料,详尽地介绍了应该如何用英语介绍自己。活动分为自我介绍、介绍他人、自由讨论三个环节。首先由外院团委学生会学术部的部长及干事们用用英语表示热烈欢迎。其次,由Mr Harriso介绍了活动内容,学生们每8人一组进行介绍。过程中,Mr Harriso向同学们描述了英式英语与美式英语的区别,将十分实用的网站:www.youtube.com 介绍给大家,还对大家如何学习英语作出建议,同学们听得饶有兴致,大家积极发言,热烈讨论。
90分钟的“外语角”活动在大家的积极参与下很快结束了。临近9点,同学们恋恋不舍,纷纷与Mr Harriso一家合影留念。本次活动是即长安大学“外语角”开办以来,参与人数最多,场面最为热烈的一次,不仅有英语、日语专业的同学,还有很多来自其他专业的英语爱好者。“外语角”活动的成功举办,离不开学院领导、老师们的支持,团委学生会成员的辛勤努力,相信,在这里,我们的每一位同学都能得到锻炼自身能力的机会,找到展现自己才华的舞台。本次活动对提高同学们的英语能力意义重大,并对同学们将要面临的英语四、六级考试颇有助益,相信,在大家的共同努力下,以后的“外语角”活动会更加精彩!
Welcome to the foreign language corner
To arouse students’s interest of studing foreign languages,mainly including English and Japanese,and improve students’s oral English,the Foreign Language Corner ,held by the Students’Union of the Foreign Language School ,was held at 7:00pm on Thursday on the first floor of the Yifu Labrary.Many students from different departments and three foreigners attended this activity.
This time,the topic of the foreign language is“How do you introduce yourself’’.First of all,the main leaders gave speeches .Then Mr Harrison,our foreign teacher,introduced his daughter ,Lydia,his son,Josn and himself.He told us many differences between American English and British.Besides,he gave us a lot of skills on how to learn English well.We talked and played together happily.We all had a good time .What makes us happier is that Mr Harrison promised to come to the Foreign Language Corner every time !
Time flies,9:00pm was arriving.We had to say goodbay to the students,to the Foreign Language Corner and the foreign teachers .From this activity,we all learn a lot .It not only improves our oral English but also helps us gain much confidence .We are looking forward to the next time when we get together at the Foreign Language Corner!
(外语学院 供稿)